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3 Ways Indoor Astroturf Flooring Is Great for Athletic Facilities

November 1, 2022

Astroturf flooring can be one of the best projects you ever undertake to improve your property. For one thing, it's safer than natural grass. According to the Synthetic Turf Council, a total of 668 athletic match injuries were recorded in a study, with 526 of them happening on grass compared to 142 of them happening on artificial turf. That said, not only does it provide a surface with a great look for your athletic space but it can also save you money and improve safety in your facility. Here are three reasons to consider installing an indoor astroturf floor.

It Helps Prevent Injury

As one might expect, having astroturf flooring means having a surface that's less likely to harm an athlete on impact. Of course, it's impossible to cut out accidents completely, but if you'd like to cut back on the number of injuries that happen on your property, there are options available. Additionally, athletes will see fewer skinned knees and bruises playing on astroturf. To prevent injuries big or small, consider installing our indoor turf.

It Helps Prevent Property Damage

How much time and money do you spend maintaining your current athletic flooring? Traditional options are susceptible to cracks, dents, scratches, and streaks that can be a struggle to remove. On the other hand, astroturf is highly durable and easy to replace. By the nature of its design, astroturf conceals minor damage well. With this type of flooring installed, keeping a fresh appearance for the public is simple.

It Provides More Accurate Training

Whether they notice or not, athletes can benefit a lot from training on a surface that imitates the one they play on. Not only will their knees appreciate the softer surface in the long run but they'll also find themselves building good habits for playing on grass. If you cater to a player base that uses grass by default, definitely consider installing astroturf today. They're sure to enjoy the change.

These are just a few of the reasons to consider installing astroturf flooring in your athletic space. Give us a call at RS Sports Surfaces today to learn more about installing astroturf flooring. We'd love to be of assistance!

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